Saturday, June 14, 2008


Lhawang Nyima is the name given to me by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche. It means Divine Lord Sun. Mudgebro is a shorthand for Mudge's (other) brother.

Hooray for me! I have a blog!


Scott said...

YAY chinny!!
how bout a phonetic shorthand version of LhawangNyima?... how bout 'WANG'?

Scott said...

its really the fourth in the series of gregory blogs... but whos counting.

Scott said...

check out the modifications i made to my blog...

Mudge said...

Hi Chinny-Braaaah!.... I'm glad you have yer blawg now. You are part of the gregory blog network.

I didn't know I had a Divine Lord Sun for a brother.

Write some stuff, Wangy-Braaah.

Luv, Mudge.

Mudge said...

Waiting for more blogginess.